Microsoft membuat kontroversi terkait aksi pemblokiran yang dilakukannya terhadap jaringan milik Oxford University, Inggris tanpa ada alasan yang jelas. Berikut e-mail om Peter Bushnell, kapuskom Oxford Univeristy yang beredar luas seputar komplain OU terhadap Microsoft:
If anyone is interested Oxford University has been blacklisted and cannot currently mail Hotmail/Live and some others. This has been going on for a week now.
We have only been given a small snippet from the Microsoft postmaster “we are unable to take action … we are not at liberty to discuss the nature of the block”. That’s a nice brickwall Microsoft has.
From the OU Computing Services news page.
Ongoing problems with email to Hotmail, Live, MSN etc.
There is a problem, caused by an error in a non-OUCS department, that means the University cannot currently send email to several services, including Hotmail, MSN, Live and others. If you send email to any affected service it will either bounce back with an error or be held on the Oxford email systems until it can be delivered. Receiving email from these services remains unaffected but replies to such messages will not get through. Note that auto-forwarding your Oxford email to any of the affected services will not work at the moment so you may like to adjust your settings. OUCS is working hard to fix this problem but some factors out of our control mean we can’t yet give an estimated fix time. We are sorry for the obvious inconvenience this will cause.Help us Daily Tech. We are unable to contact a large number of people just as term is about to start next Monday.
Dari sejumlah informasi yang digali oleh redaktur Dailytech yang saya kutip, ada beberapa alasan mengapa Microsoft sampai memblokir jaringan Oxford University untuk mengakses layanan hotmail dan beberapa layanan lain yang berbasis hotmail seperti Windows Live dan MSN Messenger.
Oxford University sudah memperbaiki miskonfigurasi outgoing mail server mereka yang dituduh Microsoft melanggar kebijakannya. Tapi, sampai saat ini Microsoft masih belum membuka akses jaringan internet Oxford University ke layanan milik Microsoft.
Sumber: DailyTech, Oxford University