Akhirnya walaupun agak sedikit telat dari jadwal semula tanggal 28 Februari 2011, hari ini Mandriva 2011 alpha 2 dirilis. Seperti dikutip dari pengumumannya:
2nd Alpha version of Mandriva 2011 should be appearing on mirrors shortly.
Among the most noticeable features are the simplification of the initial setup steps, both when running the image in Live mode, or before the installation, update to kernel, integration of the latest networkmanager-mdv plugin by Andrey Borzenkov, switch from scim to ibus for input framework, more indepth systemd integration into the system, and, of course, lots of packages updates all around.
Have fun!
Berikut mirror mandriva terdekat yang bisa anda gunakan untuk mengunduh ISO-nya:
http://fundawang.lcuc.org.cn/mandriva/devel/iso/2011/ (China)