Disney Plus sedang populer saat ini. Itu sudah menarik lebih dari 10 juta pemirsa di beberapa negara saat dirilis. Tepatnya, Belanda, Kanada, dan Amerika Serikat. Layanan ini akan ditayangkan pada 19 November…
Category: Tutorial
Cara Melihat Jawaban Chegg Gratis
Layanan pembelajaran online Chegg menawarkan dukungan akademik di luar kelas. Diskonnya untuk buku teks dan akses yang diberikannya ke sumber daya dapat membantu sebagian biaya belajar. Namun, layanan ini dilengkapi dengan biaya…
Cara Mendapatkan Terverifikasi di Discord
Discord menawarkan lebih dari yang terlihat. Fitur uniknya termasuk integrasi Twitch dan banyak lagi yang harus dimiliki untuk streamer, pembuat konten, dan pengguna biasa. Baik Anda pemilik bisnis atau seseorang yang hanya…
Cara Menemukan Draf Facebook
Tautan PerangkatAndroidiPhoneMacWindowsPerangkat Hilang?Terkadang kehidupan menghalangi tujuan media sosial kita. Anda mungkin pernah mengalami saat-saat di mana Anda mengetik di ponsel Anda, tetapi kemudian sesuatu muncul, dan Anda terpaksa meninggalkan misi. Atau mungkin…
Cara Mencegah YouTube Dari Jeda Secara Otomatis
Sebagian besar waktu, YouTube menawarkan menonton video tanpa gangguan. Namun, bahkan platform streaming video terbesar di dunia terkadang gagal memberikannya. Faktanya, banyak pengguna melaporkan masalah YouTube menjeda video di perangkat mereka. Jika…
Cara Menambahkan Stempel Tanggal/Waktu ke Foto di Android
Aplikasi kamera stok Android menawarkan beberapa opsi pengeditan gambar yang berguna. Namun, biasanya tidak ada opsi atau pengaturan yang jelas untuk menambahkan cap tanggal dan waktu ke gambar yang Anda ambil. Jika…
Cara Mengelola Subtitle di Disney Plus [Semua Perangkat Utama]
Tautan PerangkatTeleponMacFire TVRokuPerangkat Hilang?Sejak awal, Disney Plus menggebrak industri streaming. Langkah ini tidak mengejutkan, mengingat jumlah dan cakupan konten yang disertakan, dan semuanya datang dengan harga yang terjangkau. Dalam hal penyesuaian, ada…
Cara Mengatasi Error Excel: Out of Memory, Not Enough System Resouces to Display Completely
Saat ini kita akan membahas bagaimana cara mengatasi error di Microsoft Excel “Out of Memory, Not enough System Resources to Display Completely”. Contohnya seperti ini: beberapa hal yang mungkin menyebabkan error itu…
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online 1.8.385 MMORPG Drastically Improves Chat and Effect Delays
Guild Software announced the release of a new maintenance update for their popular and cross-platform Vendetta Online MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) 3D space combat title. According to the release notes,…
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online 1.8.384 Adds New Voice Chat Commands, VR Improvements
Guild Software announced a new maintenance update for their popular Vendetta Online MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) title, version 1.8.384, for all supported platforms. According to the release notes, Vendetta Online…
Linux News Today: Latest Vendetta Online Update Brings VR Improvements, Oculus Rift 1.6 Support
Guild Software announced earlier today, July 30, 2016, the availability of the latest updates for its cross-platform, commercial, and popular Vendetta Online massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG). A total of three…
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online 1.8.380 3D Space Combat MMORPG Brings New Features for PCs
It’s been a while since we last heard anything from Guild Software, the developer of the Vendetta Online 3D space combat MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) for PCs and mobile…
Linux News Today: LibreOffice Online Is Now Ready for ownCloud Enterprise, Thanks to Collabora
Today, June 23, 2016, ownCloud, Inc. and Collabora have just announced that their partnership aimed at bringing LibreOffice Online to ownCloud users has been extended to the ownCloud Enterprise ecosystem. ownCloud Server…
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online 3D Space Combat Game Gets Sony DualShock 4 Controller Support
Guild Software today, May 5, 2016, announced the availability of a new maintenance release of its Vendetta Online 3D space combat MMORPG game, version 1.8.378, for all supported operating systems. While Vendetta…
Linux News Today: Ubuntu Online Summit for Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) Takes Place on May 3-5, 2016
Ubuntu developer and Canonical employee Daniel Holbach reminds the Ubuntu community that the next UOS (Ubuntu Online Summit) event starts first thing next week, on May 3-5, 2016. The forthcoming Ubuntu Online…
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online 3D Space Combat Game Finally Enables Oculus Rift Headset Support
Guild Software, the developer of Vendetta Online 3D space combat MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game), today announced the release of the latest update for their project. It has been awhile since…
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online 1.8.371 3D Space Combat Game Re-Adds the Furie-Related Missions
Guild Software had the great pleasure of announcing this past weekend the general availability of yet another maintenance release in the Vendetta Online 1.8 series of the popular and cross-platform MMORPG game….
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online 3D Space Combat Game Receives More Oculus Rift VR Improvements
Guild Software announced this past weekend the immediate availability of yet another double update for its awesome Vendetta Online 3D space combat MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) title. The Vendetta…
Linux News Today: Tails 2.0.1 Debian-Based Linux OS Will Keep You Anonymous Online
Tails, a Live operating system that is built for the declared purpose of keeping users safe and anonymous while going online, is now at version 2.0.1 and is ready for download. Tails…
Linux News Today: Vendetta Online MMORPG Game's Capabilities Are Evolving, Devs Say
Guild Software, the developers of the popular and cross-platform Vendetta Online MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game), have recently announced the release of the Vendetta Online 1.8.368 update. Vendetta Online 1.8.368 introduces…